Thank you everyone for joining us. We appreciate you taking some time out of your afternoon to join us today. We have our full series up on our website, which I did send out in the chat. The link is there so you can register for it. I think there are seven or eight upcoming sessions. They go through the end of June, so please take a look at that when you have a chance. I also uploaded the presentation on the handouts tab of your GoToWebinar toolbar. There are some forms that Larry is going to go through first, so if you'd like to pull those up on your own computer as he's going through them, they are in the handouts tab for you. We're going to keep everyone on mute just because we have a high volume of people today. If you have any questions, feel free to ask through the questions tab. I'm also happy to get your answer for you if you don't want to verbally ask your question. That's it. We'll turn it over to Barry. Thank you very much for all the questions. I am getting for my clients, this is the number one area that everybody's asking about, and that's why we decided to divide up the presentation between insured and self-insured. Because I understand it gets confusing when you combine the two. So we're going to have one presentation today on how to complete it if you're insured, and then we're going to have a second seminar on how to complete it if you're self-insured. The coalition of forms are different depending on how your coverage is, whether it's insured or self-insured. The first thing I'm going to do is briefly go through the forms, and for those of you who have...
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Who Form 1094 B Via