It's no secret that efiling your a/ca forms 1094 and 1095 through Express ACA forms is not only the best way to avoid common errors, but it's also the simplest way to remain ACA-compliant each year. - But just what is it that makes Express ACA forms the easiest and quickest in the business? - Well, hold on to your seats because we're about to show you. - Once you create and log in to your very own Express ACA forms account, you can securely upload your a/ca information in any file format. - The system then analyzes your data and uses it to create forms 1094 and 1095 for your return. - After you check to make sure everything transferred over correctly and approve your forms for e-filing, Express ACA forms run a few error checks, including an in-matching verification, before instantly transmitting the return directly to the IRS. - When your forms are transmitted, our Express ACA headquarters in Rock Hill, South Carolina, will be notified that the recipient copies of your 1095 forms are ready to be mailed. - Then, our dedicated team will print and mail them to your employees by the next business day. - Once the IRS has processed your forms, you'll get an email from Express ACA forms letting you know the status of your return. - If, for any reason, your return comes back with errors, we will take you through the steps to make every correction and retransmit your forms at no additional cost. - Ready to get started? Visit to e-file today.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Who Form 1094 B Recipient