What's the end of the month? So many of you have already received your W-2 form. If you haven't, and it's coming soon, Fox5 I team's data file says now is the time to start getting tax prep ready. Dana: Yep, got to get to it. If you start now, you can do a few things a week to prepare yourself. That way, if you wait until the last minute to start actually filing the process, a chunk of the prep work is out of the way. So let's lay out a calendar. Week one, get the numbers together. Sure, you know your social security number and your tax ID number, but you got to make sure you've got your spouse's or your ex's ready. You know, make those voicemail calls and you have to wait and wait and wait. Get on it now and get out those tax returns from the last three years and have them ready to reference as well. Let's move on to week two. This week, jot down your child care expenses. Get an end of the year total. Do you pay alimony? Find out how much. And if you're the parent claiming the child, get ready with the IRS's 8832 form. I've already got a link on my Facebook page, Dana Foul, Fox 5. Moving on to week three, we're going to talk about education payment. Hopefully, you've kept itemized receipts for educational expenses and collect those scholarship records. You're going to need two forms here: 1098-T for tuition and 1098-E for student loan interest. Again, I've got the links for you. Week four, retirement income. You're going to need a whole bunch of forms here. This is a 1099-R for pension or IRS income. There's one for Social Security income and there's one...
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