1. You we have two chest x-rays in front of us on the right-hand side. 2. Our normal chest x-ray once again that we have seen several times. 3. Normal lung volume bilaterally, normal mediastinum with normal widening. 4. Normal hilar regions a or DIC arch is nicely visible. 5. You can clearly see right and left pulmonary arteries. 6. An Ordo pulmonary window is clearly visible. 7. Right and left heart borders are clearly visible. 8. Normal lung parenchyma with the usual vascular pattern. 9. There is no pleural thickening on the periphery. 10. Right and left main bronchi seem to be tapering gradually as they enter the lungs. 11. There is no pleural effusion on either side as costophrenic angles are clearly visible. 12. Now, the chest x-ray on your left-hand side, which is a P of U as well. 13. You can immediately notice decreased lung volumes on both sides, but it is more intense on the left side. 14. The trachea is not only dilated, but you can see it is also slightly shifted towards the left side, as if something is pulling it towards the left. 15. Both right and left main bronchi are also a bit dilated, and they are not only dilated but also irregular in shape. 16. If you look at the left main bronchus, you would agree that there is no gradual tapering as would be the case with a normal bronchus. 17. The appearance is suggestive of traction bronchiectasis. 18. Both right and left pulmonary arteries have lost their definition. 19. Looking at the mediastinum, you can see that it not only widened but there is an architectural distortion. 20. Looking at the lung parenchyma, you can confidently say that there are multiple cysts scattered throughout both lungs, which is...
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