What's up everyone? It's Sunday and I'm down in the office again. Gonna make some changes down here. I gotta move some stuff around. I actually got a delivery on a Sunday, incredible. The guy pulled up in a U-Haul truck, so they must be subcontracting out to two people for deliveries rather than using UPS on the weekends. But I got my delivery in, so what I'm gonna do is I've got to move this TV from my bedroom. My wife has been a little upset that I've had it out here. It has Chromecast on it and everything, so she likes to go down and watch stuff in the bedroom when I'm watching sports upstairs or whatever. So I ended up getting a new monitor, so I'm gonna do an uning of the monitor after I move some of the stuff around here on the desk, put the TV back into the bedroom, and make sure that everything is organized. I will be getting back with you guys in a few moments. Actually, the other thing I also have to do is I have to move some clutter that I got yesterday to the other side of the desk because it's in the way over here. So yeah, I'm gonna clean up my desk and make it look all tidy. I'll get back with you guys in a few minutes. I'll most likely put this up on the GoPro so you can watch me in fast motion. I'll be back in a few seconds. Music... So, I'm ready to do the uning for the new monitor that I got for my desk down here. I gotta get my wife's TV back and we'll go from there. Let's go back to the big camera. Alright, so here we have...
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