Our ACA employer reporting packages are based on the number of 1095 forms issued to your population. Please remember that anyone who is full-time at any point during the calendar year must receive a form. Additionally, if your plant is self-insured, anyone on your medical plan must also receive a form. This includes employees, dependents of employees, and non-employee enrolled persons such as Cobra participants, retirees, or directors. We also offer additional services. The first one is IRS audit and inquiry assistance. If you receive any IRS inquiry or audit regarding the forms we file, we will become the point person on your behalf to handle the IRS's request. Another service you may choose is having a personal ACA reporting Account Manager from our staff to assist you through the entire process. They will walk you through the discovery process, ask the appropriate questions, and you can simply send them raw data to work on your behalf and ensure everything is in the necessary spots. Furthermore, you may also engage us to provide employee-based services, such as mailing or allowing your employees access to our customer service center. This will allow them to have any questions regarding their IRS forms answered. We are excited to work with you and would appreciate if you let us know how we can assist you. Thank you.
Award-winning PDF software
Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Who Form 1094 B Calculators