Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: 1. Let me go ahead and get started. 2. I want to thank you for attending our webinar here today. 3. As each of you may know, we have been providing a webinar to our brokers who are benefit broker partners for the last seven or eight years here now on the first Wednesday of each month. 4. Over the last five years, the Affordable Care Act has provided a tremendous amount of guidance, regulations, requirements, and obligations. 5. You name it, agita or whatever you want to call it, it's created a lot. 6. Over these last several weeks, this new deadline, the ACA reporting deadline, has created even more kind of tension, confusion, and questions. 7. What we thought we would do here today for you is compile this kind of common frequently asked questions that we have received not only from our clients and possibly prospects, but also from you. 8. I mean, we are talking to you all the time and we are always learning and providing direction that you know a lot back to you guys. 9. So we're hearing a lot of questions as what we thought we'd focus on in today's webinar was really focused on those top questions, those top areas of confusion. 10. Because as I've said before, you know, you as a benefits broker, you truly are the most trusted ACA advisor to your clients. 11. You are going to be looked at more so more than any other advisor relationship, and for that, it's an awesome position to be in. 12. So today we're going to be focusing in on those Kiev a ques. 13. But before we get started, let me just introduce myself. 14. My name is Steve Jackson, I'm the senior vice president of strategic development and channel sales. 15. You know, we've...
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