Let's look at the 1095-c in detail. All right, you have to give it to 95 sees anyone who's your employee. So, it doesn't include owners of an S corp or partnership; they have to be common law employees to get a 1095. Save so if your insurer don't worry about those individuals, they're covered by your plan that are not employees Kovu participants. They only get a 1095-c in the year they terminate coverage, not in the year after, including also retirees don't get a 1095-c. So generally it's employees, its full-time employees as I indicated before. So if you look at part one, look at employee the individual employee will get a 1095 see. You have to put their name, social security number, street address, and then on the right side is you, the applicable large employer. Now basically what you do is you have to every if you are a company that has a number of different key inv that actually employs them, they will have to their AI n will go on the applicable large employer. So if you have a company with three different divisions and three different divisions have employees and they each have their own separate AI n number, you would issue a 1095-c for that applicable large employer who they work for who has a separate AI n. Please remember that. So again, that applicable large employer their name, they're AI n number or street address will go there. That's fairly simple where it gets complicated is part two of the 1095 1095-c is the employee offer and coverage in line 14. For what once you offer them coverage and from if you offer coverage to the entire family then in most situations you would use a code 1e for those months that you...
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Can Form 1094 B Employment